“‘In the last days, God says, I will
pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your
young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Acts 2:17
As I write this devotion, I am sitting in
my back yard, under my magnificent magnolia tree, in my blue and white striped
lawn chair. Up until about 10 seconds ago, my dog, Oscar, was sitting in the
chair next to me, as he usually does when I am sitting in the yard. I say “up until 10 seconds ago” because I
thought I was going to tell you about how peaceful this moment was, and how we could
miss it if we are too hurried. Now, I am
smiling as I type because I see that this is not my intended direction at all,
because Oscar has shot across the yard barking at a neighbor, there is an
ambulance screaming in the distance, a power-saw from the yard behind me, and
the once-peaceful birds are now in some kind of ornithological riot!
Quiet, still moments are few and far
between. Everyone and everything is on its way to somewhere, and undoubtedly,
someone or something else is going to get in their way. We seem to be in a
constant state of “catch up” and “stock up,” that we miss so many of the
normal, everyday occasions to praise God. Even now, I am fighting with the
thought-trains that are forging through my mind, “what is next for this great
backyard? I need to call the dentist today. Oh, I should call my Mom today,
I believe we have to be in a place in our
hearts and minds to receive God’s best for us.
If I keep telling God, “Oh! Hold that thought, I’ll be right back with
you, as soon as I finish this…,” then I will continue to walk around exhausted
and unfulfilled. Nothing will ever be good enough, clean enough, or “mine”
Do you have time to dream dreams or see
visions? Take this fleeting moment in time, find a quiet spot, if even for 5
minutes, close your eyes, and breathe. Thank God for at least one thing He has
done, is doing, and will do. God is the great “I AM,” and you are His precious
God, I am so tired, breathe for me. God, I am so grateful…for what you
have done, what you are doing, and what You will continue to do for me. Most of
all, I am just grateful for YOU. Amen
Cheryl D. Wyatt
Additional Scriptures: Psalm 46:10;
Proverbs 17:1; Psalm 23:2